Saturday, July 18, 2009

4H fair, shooting, and a sore back.

So, today we're heading to town to go to a 4H fair. Apparently, they will have an animal display of bunnies, pigs, cows, and everything else. I'm bringing my camera most likely. It's gonna be fun!

Uncle Matt taught me to shoot the other day. I forget what kind of gun we were shooting, but I think it was a rifle of some sort. I'm not THAT great of a shot, but I'm getting better. My biggest issue with the gun is the noise-it hurts my ears a lot.

I went riding at Tasha and Sam's on Tuesday. We were riding all over Chris and Christy's ranch trying to find 2 cows. (Do you know how hard that is?!) It was hard riding, lots of hills and trees, and we had to check all the cows we saw to see if they were Chris's. My back is so sore from riding- I think the western saddle is built so differently that it works different muscles. I have been taking breaks from riding, and just taking it slow in general.

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