Monday, July 6, 2009


Today I got to bottle feed a blind calf named Jenna. I got a couple pictures but they aren't on my camera so that will have to wait. I also met a Jack Russell named Lucy who has to stay tied up because she tries to kill cats. I want to bring BOTH of them home! :)

I met a lot of Uncle Matt's friends today and we hung out at their house with them. We're all going to town (which is like an hour and a half away!) to get me a hat and to take one of the dogs to the vets.

Hopefully I'll start riding soon, it started raining really bad on the way home. The sky was BLACK and the clouds were huge. Tomorrow, me and Uncle Matt are going to fix up an old truck of his (it's 17 years old!) so that he can teach me to drive.

I don't think it has sunk in that I am here yet, I kind of keep thinking that I'm going home tomorrow.

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